discharges that is less than honorable;

for the Marines, 1 in 20; for the Army, 1 in 17, and for the Air Force, 1 in 13. The Air Force has been asked to explain the reason they give almost 10% of their discharges as less than honorable, and why the rate is twice that of the Navy. The Air Force claims this is due to quality control of personnel, with the atomic age requiring a higher degree of perfection.

Is it possible that organizations like American Civil Liberties Union should examine the attitude of the Air Force for "ruining" so many lives of the personnel it accepts by "washing them

out" with a discharge which serves as a blemish on their lives for so many of their productive years? Personality clashes resulting in bad efficiency reports often result in these bad discharges. Incompetent non-commissioned officers and even officers of field and company grades often have a hand in rating efficiency and giving discharges that are less than honorable. Not uncommon is the comment' that on some occasions bad discharges for inefficiency have been given by military authorities who, as individuals, may be less competent than the victim of their ruling.


REVIEW EDITOR: "It is not unusual in the annals of psychiatric literature to find the knife, gun, or club replacing the penis in the mind of the patient who has been deeply indoctrinated in the superstitious ethic of complete abstinence". (Editorial, July issue)

I wonder if you realize how profoundly true Is the reverse of this observation.

Years ago I was employed as a bookkeeper and business agent in an industrial insti tute (reform school then) in one of our large eastern states. Although a civilian employee I occasionally substituted for one of the night attendants.

While acknowledging the necessity for giv ing lip service to the prevailing conventions and mores, it was commonly recognized that it was better for the Individual as well as for society if the penis replaced the knife, gun, or club in the boys' minds. Consequently if, when out in the fields, a couple of fellows sneaked off behind a packing shed and engaged in mutual masturbation, the guards just looked the other way. At night in the dormitories (12 boys to a ward) when I made my rounds I never paid any attention to their quite evident engagement in homosexual sport. Though not so inclined myself, some of the guards, I know, regularly gratified the boys' desires.


A boy who masturbates or indulges in sex play with other boys just doesn't get into serious trouble. -R.F., California.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The penis is the more primitive of the two classes of instruments and certainly the least harmful.

The activity which you describe in the industrial institute is not likely to change the "prevailing conventions and mores" so long as those concemed' are “acknowledging the necessity for giving lip service" to those conventions. Where does discretion stop and hypocrisy take over? Also, any philosophy of sexual freedom must allow every individual the right to decline. The situation between guards and inmates which you describe could easily destroy this right, by leading to force and coercion.

Your last statement may not be true for the person who has been "indoctrinated in the superstitious ethic of complete abstinence.' These individuals may get into serious trou ble with themselves.

A healthy society does not give lip service to that which it does not practice. This is mass schizophrenia.

REVIEW EDITOR: First, a word of praise in your noble undertaking. You are to be congratulated for your courage and unselfIsh devotion to a work which has long need-

mattachine REVIEW

ed some pioneers. I am most pleased with your general policy and philosophy of organ ization. I hope you continue to keep up the good work, and please maintain the high plane of philosophy which you have started


Second, I read with much interest the article entitled, "Sex-Guilt in Adolescence," This has been a subject which has interest ed and puzzled me ever since being in contact with you. Although I know you do not allow membership of minors, and I appreciate and agree with this rule, I can't keep from thinking that the problems encountered by adult homosexuals are invariably rooted in adolescence. This is the age level which badly needs proper and as accurate as pos. sible information; and they are getting elther a complete void of information or very biased and wrong information. This fact is brought home daily to me in my church youth work (my profession, incidentally). Is there nothing we can do? I have some of the best Information on sex which is published for our young people; but none of it gives any mention or recognition of the fact that someone might be homosexually inclined, and if they are, they are not necessarily doomed to a useless, hopeless, maladjusted life. Do you know of any book which presents the "Facts of Life and Love" including all the facts about homosexuality? If so, please let me know. If not, let's get something started. Would that I had such Instruction in my adolescence. I have several good books exclusively about homosexualism, but have thus far found it difficult to display them as prominently on my bookshelf as other books. Mr. J.D., Michigan.

EDITOR'S REPLY: We know of no sex-instruction manuals which take cognizance of. the fact that homosexuality is a component of personality.

REVIEW EDITOR: We are interested in the latest Dorian Book Service catalog for addition to our permanent reference library. Mr. F.R.D., Warden, San Quentin Prison, California.


REVIEW EDITOR: This was originally intended as just a letter of thanks, but after the letter of J.B. in your August issue, it's purpose has increased to Inform him and others who think along the same lines how your organization helped someone in need who wasn't even a member. The person of course was myself. After a series of business mistakes I was suddenly in the position of not only being without a job, but also without lodging or money. My friends expressed their grief verbally and that was it. I had nowhere to turn and believed suicide the only solution when someone suggested I call you. The rest you at Mattachine know about. First of all (for the benefit of the J.B's), I was listened to sympathetically, which I must admit I did need. Then I was given a place to stay, meals, and finally assisted In finding a job.


For all you have done for me I can only write the inexpressive words, "Thank you, but you know the emotion I mean to express. . R.D., California. REVIEW EDITOR: Recently I have read with interest several pamphlets on your Society and desire to subscribe to its work and endeavours, so perhaps you will put me in touch with a London Group and its address ` and details, etc., in order that I may join them at an early date. J.W., London, Eng. EDITOR'S NOTE: The Mattachine Society has no branches in England to date, but we heartily endorse the work of THE HOMO-


SEXUAL LAW REFORM SOCIETY at 32 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W1. Subscriptions to the REVIEW overseas are $6.00 per year.

I think you are doing a much needed work & doing it well.....

I am the most fortunate of men, having a wife who fully satisfies my heterosexual desires and yet fully understands, approves & cooperates with the homosexual side of my nature.

REVIEW EDITOR: Thank you for the very cordial and Informative Interview... we conREVIEW EDITOR: Rec'd your sample cosist of a group of well-trained social scienpies and other material & have read every tists (psychologists, social workers, coun⚫ word with great interest. selors, etc.) who are qualified to deal with, and do research in, basic social and psychological issues. Our objective, besides the service applications described, is the stimulation and support of the professional pursuit of research in the social sciences and Its boundary areas, and to encourage cooperation among members of the professional and scientific disciplines with regard to the utilization of social science both in research and practice. We would like to dis cuss further the possibility of research projects we have in mind. John Gaston, M.S., Accredited Counseling Service, San Francisco

Because I do have both natures, I have spent much time in thought and research in an effort to understand myself. And it has been my experience that psychiatrists seldom, if ever, seem to understand the basic nature of the homophile, judging from many articles I have read by them. I have con-